Tag Archives: band kids

Skincare Update

24 Apr

So as you can tell from my postage yesterday you can totally tell that I don’t have the perfect flawless skin that I want due to exams… >.<

The plan to to make this one a long post. I don’t have my camera anymore due to my sister stealing it and going for a joyride in Vancouver (curse band kids who get to go play). The skincare routine that I am using now is:

There seems to be alot there isn’t there? Yeah, just because I have found many things that work for me I want to use it all!

So let’s talk about the products there will be reviews later but just a general overview of them all.

Cleanser – Boots Botanics Brightening Cream Cleanser

Toner – Boots Botanics Brightening Toner

Moisterizer – Shiseido Oil-Free Mattifying Moisterizer

Treatment – Oxy 2.5% benzoyl peroxide, Viaderm-K.C. used as disinfectant, Bio-oil for scars

This skincare takes me about 7-10 minutes to do every morning depending if I’m going really fast or not. The time has upped since the last skincare one… >.< but these work really well!

Putting aside the skincare regime I want to focus on the Treatment aspect of my routine. As you can see I have 3 different types of stuff compared to last time where I just had Lush’s Grease Lightning as a spot treatment and disinfectant.

Since the Grease Lightning review I’ve used it up and moved onto find something new resulting in Oxy and Viaderm. Now Viaderm is only available through your pharmacist and what is does is that it treats rashes that have been infected with either bacteria or fungi. I know what you’re thinking rash treatment on acne? No way is that going to work. Well to be honest with you I was sceptical at first but it has helped out with the amount of breakout moments that I have. Now I have a clear forehead to the point where it absolutely scares me.

My sister likes to use Oxy on her acne and it’s been working pretty well for her. And as for the Bio-oil I’ve still got like 2 months and 3 weeks left to see if it actually works or not.

Whew, long post… thanks for those who actually read through all of it.