Tag Archives: homework working

Pet peeves…

27 Feb

Pet peeves… everyone has one right? I just rediscovered one of mine today. People who bother you while you are studying. You know the situation… where you are about to get something right or a great idea for the paper and then someone comes in and bothers you resulting in you forgetting what you just realized. RAWR! It’s especially worse in my house due to the fact that my bedroom is shared and my brother or family like to knock on the wall (since the kitchen is just behind my wall one level down) to let me know it’s dinner time for some trivial matter. Especially worse today as I was doing some pretty intense chemistry and my brother knocked on the wall to tell me to eat my dinner. Well you can’t choose your family but if I could I would.

Onto more positive things today, for me I usually don’t get productive until about 3:00 so I ended up practicing some makeup today. The look will be posted up in another post. I don’t like to mix beauty things with blog things…

But I also ended up depotting my Joe Fresh Black eyeshadow and then realized after it was depotted that it was too big for my Annabelle compact.

 That is what it ended up looking… the plastic at the bottom was really really melted and bubbles formed and everything. It took a lot of melting for it to come out.

I’m now comtemplating whether to get a magnetic palette so that I can store in my NYX square eyeshadows. A UNII palette?

Blue Expensive though…$29…

Here is their website if anyone is interested. http://uniicosmetics.com/cart/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=53

Anyways, I should get back to my work and there will be more reviews coming up and other things as well.