Tag Archives: peer pressure

Concept of Beauty – Body Image

17 Feb

How does one define beauty? What does it mean to be beautiful? Is it clear skin? Piercing eyes? A nice jawline? Good proportioned face? A skinny body? A toned body? What about in different cultures? What does beauty mean to them?

In this post I am going to be bouncing back and forth between Asian ideals and Western ideals comparing similarities and differences. And it is specific to body image in each cultures.

Let’s compare an Asian model to a Western model.


The models have a similar type of body… the skinny kind that designers really love mainly to save money.

For those who don’t know it is preferable for models to be size 0 because it saves the designer money on the fabrics.

The progression of sizes…

 <  <  From stick skinny to toned body to slightly chubby.

As seen in Asia it is more preferable to have a skinny body or a toned body. A good comparison


I get the feeling that asian girls tend to be more skinny but I believe that in both the West and the East girls care about their body image equally.

So either way I’d thought that I would share that with everyone because girls do have a negative body image of themselves due to societies views and peer pressure.

I want to spread the word that you are beautiful no matter what you look like or even if you have flaws. Spread love not hate!